May Prayer List

May 15, 2021 | Written by Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827


Arvidson, Katie

Bach, Darrell

Balk, Tony

Bly, Carol

Brown, Dave

Busch, Tom

Carpenter, Mike

Casalenda, Jeannie

Cavanaugh, Leonard

DeShane, Deacon Jim

Dorries, Andrew

Duda, Andy

Egan, Mary

Elliot, Mark

Gill, Mike

Gottesleben, Jon

Gross, Jon

Hannan, James

Health Care Workers

Herrmann, Dale

James, Shawn

Kupiecki, James

Langness, Joan

Lavelle, Thomas

Lopez, Margarita

Marette, Scott

Maisiba, Gabriel

McClenny, Kathi

McDevitt, Kevin

Novak, Mary Fran

Pietrini, Ted & Marge

Pinkosky, Michael

Rickert, Patrick

Rodrequez, Nicolas

Roeger, Kathy

Roth, Charlie

Schoenecker, Joe

Schwartz, Rev. Robert

Smith, Larry

Stangler, Leo

Ste. Marie, Steve

Sweeney, James

Thaden, Ken & JoAnn

Townsend, Sue

Twyman, Jim

Vavra, Gene

Violante, Kay

Waletzko, Chuck

Weisbrich, Catherine

Wise, Marion

Zack, Roger

Zacher, Jim

Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827
Marian Council #3827 is Minnesota’s largest Knights of Columbus chapter, part of a billion-dollar international Catholic organization. We promote family life, education and citizenship. Annually we donate charitable fundraising and volunteers hours to the Richfield-Bloomington area, including: Fireman’s Softball Tournament, for youth, Tootsie Roll Drive for children with disabilities, Vocations Dinner for local seminaries, Student Loan Dinner for college, Coats for Kids of warmth for children, Keep Christ in Christmas, a free community party, Golf Tournament, benefits youth charitie and Respect for Life events Loaves & Fishes, feeding Richfield’s poor.

Marian Council #3827 is Minnesota’s largest Knights of Columbus chapter, part of a billion-dollar international Catholic organization. We promote family life, education and citizenship.

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