Meeting called to order by Julian Hynnek, President, at 7:04 PM Roll call: Julian Hynnek, President P Bill Weldon, Vice President P Dom Violante, Treasurer P Doc Williams, Secretary P Curt Elsen AE Joe Beckrich P Ned O’Doherty, Grand Knight AE Ed...
Bach, Darrell Cavanaugh, Leonard Del Rio, Mario Deshane, Deacon Jim Dorries, Andrews Duda, Andy Durr, Anne Eder, Marcella Garry, Harold Gill, Mike Gross, Jon Gross, Mark Herrmann, Dale Hirman, Denny James, Shawn Jaspers, Bill Johnson, Bev Koepke, James Lavelle, Thomas...
What a great success on Sunday 9/15/19. Over 20 Council members and their spouses volunteered to set-up tables and chairs, raise tents, prepare and serve food, purvey cold adult beverages and help at the rummage sale @ the annual St. Ed’s Gather event. A...
Some might say a minor “miracle” is occurring at a historic Catholic convent tucked into a Bloomington neighborhood, and the Marian Council of the Knights of Columbus is helping to make it happen. Eight Catholic nuns, dressed in traditional black and white habits,...
Meeting called to order by Julian Hynnek, President, at 7:00 PM Roll call: Julian Hynnek, President P Bill Weldon, Vice President P Dom Violante, Treasurer P Doc Williams, Secretary P Curt Elsen P Joe Beckrich P Ned O’Doherty, Grand Knight P Ed...
Ander, Lee Cavanaugh, Leonard Christensen, Gene Del Rio, Mario Deshane, Deacon Jim Dorries, Andrews Drabek, Gene Duda, Andy Durr, Anne Eder, Marcella Friendshuh, Dan Garry, Harold Gill, Mike Gross, Jon Gross, Mark Herrmann, Dale Hirman, Denny James, Shawn Jaspers,...
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