Home Association Meeting Minutes – April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019 | Written by Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827
Home Association Meeting
April 23rd, 2019
Meeting called to order by Julian Hynnek, President, at 7:05 PM
Roll call:
Julian Hynnek, President P
John Kovach, Vice President P
Dom Violantei, Treasurer P
Doc Williams, Secretary P
Bill Weldon P
Joe Beckrich P
Tom Steigauf, Grand Knight P
Ned O’Doherty, Deputy G N P
Others are attending: Raz, Mike Santoro
Minutes of the last meeting were read individually and approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Home Association starting balance $1,500.00
Income $6,500.31
Expenses $6,500.31
Transferred to Real-estate Fund $2,823.98
Ending balance $1,500.00
Building Fund balance $3,979.90
Home Association Re Estate Tax Fund balance $21,283.51
Financials accepted as read.
Manager’s report: Home furniture parking lot is fenced. Ralph
Bartolotta drafting a letter asking for the fence be moved back 40 feet.
Doors on north side must be replaced. Estimate of $6,000 to have done.
Ras has gotten permission to park on west side of Dupont Wednesday
through Monday 4 PM through 2 AM. Total count for Lenten fish fry
was 7 people less than last year.
Old Business: Ballroom is complete except for some electrical.
New Business: “No parking beyond this point” sign in east parking lot
needs to be reinstalled. Fire inspector condemned door crash bars on
north side of building. Mike the chef proposed 5 hours per month for
$100.00, May through Oct, to do outdoor maintenance. Motion
approved. Mike Santoro brought landscape design plans for the front of
building that we purchased years ago for our consideration.
Walk through, 1 item, John will do.
Next month’s meeting is May 28th
Next month’s walkthrough do by Joe and Ned
Closing prayer said by all.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10
Respectfully submitted by Doc Williams
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