July 31, 2019 | Written by Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827
Home Association Meeting
June 25, 2019
Meeting called to order by Julian Hynnek, President, at 7:10 PM
Roll call:
- Julian Hynnek, President P
- Curt Elsen P
- Dom Violantei, Treasurer P
- Doc Williams, Secretary P
- Bill Weldon P
- Joe Beckrich P
- Tom Steigauf, Grand Knight AE
- Ned O’Doherty, Deputy G N AE
- Others are attending: Raz
Minutes of the last meeting were read individually and approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Home Association starting balance $1,500.00
Income $6,500.32
Expenses $6,500.32
Transferred to Real-estate Fund $4,144.45
Ending balance $1,500.00
Building Fund balance $3,979.88
Home Association Re Estate Tax Fund balance $9,181.40
Financials accepted as read.
Manager’s report:
Doors for north side of bldg. have been ordered but will take time to install because installers are busy. 2/3 of lighting in ballroom lighting installed.
Old Business:
Projector screen was not fixable. Walk through, no deficiencies.
New Business:
Ralph Bartolotta doesn’t have enough carpet for all of Dining room. Joe Beckrich will get prices on getting more.
Bylaws dictate that the President, treasurer, and secretary are to be signers for all legal documents for Home Association.
Chair cleaning postponed.
Next month’s meeting is July 23rd. Suggestion made to move the Grand Knights pictures down to the Knights Room.
Next month’s walkthrough done by Curt and Bill
Closing prayer said by all.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00
Respectfully submitted by Doc Williams
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