Home Association Meeting Minutes – March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019 | Written by Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827
Home Association Meeting
March 26th, 2019
Meeting called to order by Julian Hynnek, President, at 7:05 PM
Roll call:
- Julian Hynnek, President P
- John Kovach, Vice President P
- Dom Violantei, Treasurer P
- Doc Williams, Secretary P
- Bill Weldon AE
- Joe Beckrich AE
- Tom Steigauf, Grand Knight P
- Ned O’Doherty, Deputy G N P
- Others are attending: none
Minutes of the last meeting were read individually and approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Home Association starting balance $3,476.35
Income $6,500.25
Expenses $8,476.60
Transferred to Real-estate Fund $4,88.80
Ending balance $1,500.00
Building Fund balance $3,979.39
Home Association Re Estate Tax Fund balance $18,459.43
Financials accepted as read.
Manager’s report: None
Old Business: Stainless steel on back bars in Ballroom installed. Bottle
steps made and being put together. We approved $5.00 per mowing
raise for lawn cutting. Bathroom door repair parts ordered.
New Business: Walk through; mail slots for office will be upgraded.
Ballroom coatroom and storeroom behind bar lights will be upgraded.
Grand Hall reconstruction almost complete, some electrical still needs
doing. Valence above stage will be upgraded. Plunket pest control
recommended sweep on east door and east garage door seals need
attention. We are looking into future upgrades; ceiling tiles in Knights
Room, east entrance hall, and floor covering in dining room.
Nest months walk through Tom S and d Dom
Next month’s meeting is April 23 rd .
Meeting adjourned at 8:39
Respectively submitted by Doc Williams
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