Home Association Meeting Minutes – May 28, 2019

May 28, 2019 | Written by Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827


Marian Council Knights of Columbus
Home Association Meeting
May 28th, 2019

Meeting called to order by Julian Hynnek, President, at 7: 11 PM

Roll call:

Julian Hynnek, President P
John Kovach, Vice President AE
Dom Violantei, Treasurer P
Doc Williams, Secretary P
Bill Weldon AE
Joe Beckrich P
Tom Steigauf, Grand Knight P
Ned O’Doherty, Deputy G N P
Others are attending: Raz

Minutes of the last meeting were read individually and approved.

Treasurer’s report:
Home Association starting balance $1.500.00
Income $6,500.25
Expenses $6,500.25
Transferred to Real-estate Fund $4,731.89
Ending balance $1,500.00
Building Fund balance $3,079.88
Home Association Re Estate Tax Fund balance $5,036.91
Financials accepted as corrected.

Manager’s report: Will order all the doors for north side of the building.

Old Business: Still working on the lights in the ballroom.

New Business: Doc & Julian will attempt to fix the big movie screen
than hang it in the stage area. Julian thanked Raz for putting the new
wood over the top of the stage area. July 1 st is tentative date for
cleaning chairs. 9 items on walkthrough list, all assigned. Home parking
lot will not pull fence back allowing us more space to park. Ralph B has
carpet squares for dining room. Julian & Doc will check out.

Next month’s meeting is June 25th
Next month’s walkthrough do by Julian & Dom
Closing prayer said by all.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53
Respectfully submitted by Doc Williams

Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3827
Marian Council #3827 is Minnesota’s largest Knights of Columbus chapter, part of a billion-dollar international Catholic organization. We promote family life, education and citizenship. Annually we donate charitable fundraising and volunteers hours to the Richfield-Bloomington area, including: Fireman’s Softball Tournament, for youth, Tootsie Roll Drive for children with disabilities, Vocations Dinner for local seminaries, Student Loan Dinner for college, Coats for Kids of warmth for children, Keep Christ in Christmas, a free community party, Golf Tournament, benefits youth charitie and Respect for Life events Loaves & Fishes, feeding Richfield’s poor.

Marian Council #3827 is Minnesota’s largest Knights of Columbus chapter, part of a billion-dollar international Catholic organization. We promote family life, education and citizenship.

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